battlefield 1942 intro

BF1942 Race Track – Asiatic Grand Prix & Race Mod Update

Both the Asiatic Grand Prix race track for Battlefield 1942 & THI Race Mod have been updated!

The THI Race Mod now has a custom icon, and the speed of the boats has been fixed ‘a bit’.

As for Asiatic Grand Prix, so many thing have been updated!

Update – 03.08.2024

  • Removed strange track
  • Added Destruction Derby Area
  • Added bridge interconnecting west areas to east areas
  • Added signs for locations and road signs with directional arrows
  • Cleaned up, widened, and smoothed out Hill Climb
  • Moved flag spawns to more centralized locations
  • Added more player spawns
  • Added more vegetation/props
  • Fixed lighting settings
  • Changed overview spawn camera
  • Re-did some ground textures for better visual segregation
  • Added water pit to D. Derby area
  • Added rails & removed a jump from D. Derby
  • Added fencing to huge jump
  • Changed & Resized level Icon
BF1942 Race track
Asiatic Grand Prix Map